A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism (9781405164351)

A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism is a complete guide to two of the dominant movements of philosophy in the twentieth century. Comprising a series of original essays written by leading scholars, it highlights the approaches, styles, and problems common to the broad range of philosophers included under the banners of phenomenology and existentialism. The volume features three types of entry: longer essays discussing each of the main schools of thought; shorter essays introducing prominent themes and concepts, such as temporality, death, and nihilism; and problem-oriented chapters discussing important phenomenological and existential approaches to the central questions that have preoccupied each of these traditions. The essays cover both mainstream and less usual topics, such as medicine, the emotions, artificial intelligence, and environmental philosophy.

Product details

  • Other digital | 608 pages
  • 176 x 254 x 50mm | 1,218g
  • Wiley-Blackwell (an imprint of John Wiley & Sons Ltd)
  • Chicester, United Kingdom
  • English
  • 1405164352
  • 9781405164351

Download A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism (9781405164351).pdf, available at ebookdownloadfree.co for free.

